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Vladimir Rott

Writer. Author. Thinker. Storyteller.

About the Author

Vladimir Rott, a Canadian engineer turned author, was born in 1935 in the Soviet Union, into a family of immigrants from Hungary. In 1974, during a visit to Toronto he defected to Canada, leaving behind his wife and three children in Togliatti, Russia. Reunited with his family he led a life of an engineer, entrepreneur and traveled the world making up for the lost opportunities not available to the citizens of the Soviet regime. In later years he became a prolific writer dedicating his free time to writing autobiographical books and philanthropic pursuits in support of the forgotten and underprivileged Siberian Jewry.

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Father's Letters from Siberian Prison

Vladimir was 3 years old when Stalin's retaliatory bodies arrested his father and banished him to Siberia, to Kolyma, where in the horrors of the labor camps he spent 12 years and from where he never returned... 
The Rott family for many years kept these precious letters from prison. Vladimir Rott has edited these letters for publication. "Father's Letters from Siberian Prison" was first published in 2007 in Russian.

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In Defiance of Fate:
Joy From Sadness
(Book 1)

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In Defiance of Fate:
Joy of Discoveries
(Book 2)

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Joyous Encounters

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Mysovaya Station


Life goes on

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